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Planting Potatoes? Here are our tips!

The word is out – our potato packs have landed in our Greenhouse Plant Area, and we have some straightforward tips for getting those potatoes in the ground. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started with those green fingers, here’s what you need to know.

When to Plant:

Getting to the point – potatoes aren’t hardy plants. With the soil warming up and the days getting longer, it’s the perfect time to get those spuds in the ground. The plants will take about 2-3 weeks to sprout up above the soil. Don’t worry if you lack open ground space, potatoes can grow in bags or pots on a patio. P.S. Potato growing bags can be found in our Gardening and Wildlife Department if you need them! Just remember to position them in a sunny position and be mindful of frost early on because this will damage the growth coming up.

Watch our helpful video:

6 weeks before planting them, you can start chitting early potatoes to help them mature sooner. Stand them on end in a module tray or egg box and place them in a bright, cool, frost-free place. Once grown, rub off all but the four strongest sprouts and when they have grown to around an inch, chitting is then completed. Potato seeds are ready to plant when the shoots are about 2cm long!

Tips for Planting Potatoes:

  • Pick the Right Spuds: Go for early varieties like Yukon Gold or Red Norland. They’re quick to mature and can handle the cooler temps.
  • Soil Prep 101: Your soil should be draining well and packing some organic punch. Toss in some compost or manure to add an extra boost of nutrients to the soil, promoting healthier plant growth and enhancing overall soil fertility. For bigger and better crops, use Vitax potato fertiliser before planting. This can be found in our Gardening and Wildlife Department or in our Greenhouse area.
  • Stick to Depths: Plant those potatoes 4-6 inches deep, and keep them 12-15 inches apart in rows. Spacing matters.
  • Mound It Up: As your taters grow, throw some dirt around their base. It’s like giving them a sun hat, preventing bitter green potatoes.
  • Water, Don’t Drown: Keep the soil consistently damp but not swimming. Mulch is your friend for locking in moisture and keeping things chill. Especially In early summer months remember to keep well-watered.

Available for Purchase:

Guess what? Will’s recommended potato packs are up for grabs in our Greenhouse. High-quality seed potatoes – ready for action. Swing by and snag yours! 

"A large range of seed potatoes are now available in our Greenhouse! I am trying the varieties Swift, Wilja and Cara this year."

With Will’s no-nonsense advice and top-notch potato packs in the Greenhouse, you’ll be on track! Get those hands dirty! 

Can you grow potatoes all year round?

Here we have more information about growing potatoes for your Christmas Dinner.