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A Pond Container Made Easier!

One of the best ways you can attract more wildlife into your garden is by creating a mini pond from a container. Any watertight vessel will do! It’s a great gardening project to engage children in. Even a small pond can be home to an interesting range of creatures including damsel and dragonflies, frogs and newts.

Watch Our Video Below:

Step by step guide

  • Choose a spot for your pond in light but not full sun.
  • The container can go above ground or be sunk into the ground.
  • Place old stones or bricks around the edge of the container to create a ledge.
  • Fill the container up to around the edge of the container to create a ledge.
  • Fill the container up to around one third with water, then gently place your plants in position.
  • Fill the rest of the container up with water by slowly pouring the water onto the ledge to avoid too much disturbance.

We’ve a whole room in our plant area dedicated to aquatic pants suited for ponds and containers.

Here you can pick up your pond essentials and accessories needed to create a pond container.