Open Today:
9am – 5pm

The Sowers Club

Growing your own plant from a seed is really fun and rewarding.

 In our Wildlife and Gardening department you’ll discover a huge selection of seeds as well as everything you need to help them grow both from a direct sow to growing inside. Each area is clearly signposted so you can search for everything from pots to propagators, and cold frames to cloches.

Growing your own plant from a seed is really fun and rewarding.

 In our Wildlife and Gardening department you’ll discover a huge selection of seeds as well as everything you need to help them grow both from a direct sow to growing inside. Each area is clearly signposted so you can search for everything from pots to propagators, and cold frames to cloches.

Our Gardening and Wildlife Manager Ryan recommends his top seeds to sow this month both inside your home or greenhouse, as well as directly into the ground outside. This month he recommends growing Tomato (Costoluto Fiorentino), Sweet Corn (Incredible F1, Lupin (Festival Mixed) and Cosmos (Tetra Versailles Dark Rose) inside. Or directly sow outside Onion (Spring Eiffel), Spinach (Beet Perpetual Spinach), Cowslip and Calendula (Funky Stuff).

Watch Ryan's video on making planting your seeds easier this spring with seed cells!

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Our Growing Centre

All you need for sowing and growing!

We have a wide range of seed trays and cells with mix and match lids to suit everyone’s needs.

Ask any of our friendly staff for more help and support if you need it.

Seed Selection

In our Gardening and Wildlife department, you’ll find a diverse collection of seed packets ranging from vegetables to flowers! 

Each packet has instructions and sowing guides to assist you.


You will also find a range of planting accessories including seedling labels, seed packet storage containers and planting rulers.

Everything you need to get started… 

Ready, Steady, Sow!

Head to our Gardening and Wildlife Department to find a cute collection of Mr Men and Little Miss Seeds for younger gardeners. With a fantastic choice of easy-to-grow fruit, vegetables and flowers, they are a great way to get kids sowing and growing.

Seed Compost

Don’t forget to pick up your seed sowing compost! They’re perfect for fast, healthy germination and feeds for the first 3 weeks. 

Found in our Greenhouse by the composting area.

Seeding Made Easier

Our handy displays can help make sowing seeds easier. These mini propagator complete seed starter kits are great for beginners or a fun activity for children.

  • Choose which fruit or vegetable you would like to grow.
  • Add 100ml of water to the coir discs and leave to soak for one hour.
  • Surface sow seeds, then lightly cover with coir and place in a warm sunny position.
  • Transfer larger shoots into larger pots and watch them grow.  

Seeding Made Easier

Our handy displays can help make sowing seeds easier:

  • Choose which SeedCell you would like to grow.
  • Place in a pot with some seeding compost and water.
  • Watch as the SeedCell pod biodegrades and your plant grows.

Learn more

Pots and Containers
Decorative Pots
Ryan's Reels